Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Blog Tour

I'm going to have a blog tour. My brain is too old to take these terms seriously. February 2 will be Diary of an Eccentric, February 4 is Sia McKyes Thoughts over Coffee, February 9 is Phychotic State (someone must know me personally), February 22 Luxury Reading and February 24 is Royal Reviews. They are all Austen sites, I am sure.

I just got the questions for another blog - Jane Austen World - the mothership! Good gravy I have to be careful what I say in these things. How can I admit I've never actually read Northhanger Abbey and the only thing I know from Emma is the movie version with Gwyneth Paltrow.

I better get some new clothes.

Lucy, did you like the Colin Youtube? His wife can't be more than 28. They were obviously wed when she was twelve or thirteen - they do that in Britain you know. It's kind of like Appalachia. Thank heavens I don't have many followers with the things I say. I haven't been back to the Darcylicious site since they threw me off a few months ago and I miss all of the Mathew Macfadyen pictures and news. To tell you the truth, the night before all hell broke out with me over there I had finally figured out how to get into their vault of pictures - they have some there that were provided by his family, very sweet stuff. But then I saw something that disturbed me. I saw pictures of him walking down the street with his newborn cradled in his arms and he was looking like a normal bloke with messy hair and glasses and concern and love on his face for the little one. It just seemed wrong to be seeing something so private. I suddenly felt really foolish. Then the next day I insulted the moderators over something else and was asked to leave. I'm a bad girl.

Here's my wonderful Matthew MacDarcy, once again.


LucyParker said...

CF's wife is 40, ten years younger than him. If we got to sleep with CF we'd look 28, too.

I love your MM video. To see him laugh and smile is great. He's got one of those mercurial actor faces that lets him play a wide variety of parts. I'm with you, tho, his wife is iffy.

Amazon has promised me "Darcy & Fitzwilliam" by Thursday. We are due a big lights-out blizzard that day. I'm going to be on the curb waiting so FedEx doesn't have to slow down. They can just toss it to me. This book has been in Lexington, Nashville and now, Kansas City. Everyone's had it but me!

xo, your impatient reader

LucyParker said...

I really must add that I can't believe you've been thrown off a site. Let's hope your book will be obnoxiously successful, if just so you can deny them access to you.

And I know what you mean about feeling creepy about seeing a public person in their private life. I feel stalkerish when I go to Nacho's site, but it's kind of safe in his gazillion fan base.

Just think, when you're a big rat author (your book has to reach readers first) we'll be clamoring for glimpses of you. Enjoy your anonymity while you can. :)