How do celebrities live with criticism all of their professional lives? There must be some sort of drive in a person to put themselves out on the firing line day after day, month after month, year after year. What would compel actors, artists, writers to put themselves out there, to face the judgment of people who might be just reacting to a bad day themselves? They have to be insane, the rewards cannot possibly justify the humiliation.
Ah, well. I have another two weeks to go in the god-awful month until the first of March and another set of books will come out and mine will be forgotten. Thankfully.
Now to put things into perspective, the commercial I adored from the Superbowl was Darth Vader boy. How adorable can anyone get? It turns out he's six years old and has a heart defect, a patient at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. He has Tetralogy of Fallot with a good long term prognosis. He's my hero. I'm not going to moan about someone not liking my book ever again (until tomorrow anyway)

For LucyP - Colin won AARP best actor in a movie made for grown-ups. There aren't many movies for grown-ups anymore. Excellent choice. Good picture too.
Jerry Seinfield
"Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not color, but to accept God's final word on where your lips end."
Ah, so opening night jitters and adrenaline are wearing off?
You put something new and original, a piece of yourself, into the world. I truly believe that any form of creativity rebalances the universe. Have no regrets, Karen.
You made my day with the Colin photo, hadn't seen that one. Gawd, he gives me a Firthgasm. Thanks!
I am slowly being converted to the dark side...
If I knew how to do it I would violently post photo after photo of your Matthew to get the right insula part of your brain engaged. That would take you into the light!
Maybe go listen to MM recite poetry on youtube again. MMmmm.
You, my dearling girl, are a true friend.
Ok that was supposed to be darling girl.
I've been called "adorable" and "dearling" all in one day. Not from my family, mind you, but from my lovely internet friends who can't see that I didn't get washed or dressed today. Dearling makes me smile. Thank you.
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