OK, what rooky angel is assigned to me that allowed a flipping blizzard to attack the civilized world when my book is premiering? Of all the guardians in all the gin joints in all the universe did I really need to get an Alaskan one? "You call this snow - I'll show you snow." Really.
Then my blog on February 1 didn't show up, it will be on February 14 now on Laura's Reviews. The other blogs I'm doing this week got their information to me late and they are closing down due to the storm. Stay at Home Mothers - the heart of blogdom - are going nuts with kids underfoot on a snow day, perhaps a snow week. Ah, well it could be worse I suppose.
Here are some other mishaps in the world around us...
Then my blog on February 1 didn't show up, it will be on February 14 now on Laura's Reviews. The other blogs I'm doing this week got their information to me late and they are closing down due to the storm. Stay at Home Mothers - the heart of blogdom - are going nuts with kids underfoot on a snow day, perhaps a snow week. Ah, well it could be worse I suppose.
Here are some other mishaps in the world around us...
So get on your boots, take a flashlight and provisions, and go out and buy my book. You can do it, you come from sturdy stock. And also, call Borders and see why they are only selling it on-line, ignorant baboons. Call, write, scream.
Now, here is my daily Youtube fix for LucyP and the Firth gang...
The blizzard, it was fate. You just added dramatic affect to your book signing, you could not have planned this any better. Who needs marketing people when you have control over the weather. We love you and can't wait to read the book. Go Team Darcy (that one came from the teenager, she likes the good looking part of the you tube). Nice.
My hub is outside with his leaf blower, which he contends can also blow snow. I can only assume he's trying to clear the neighborhood so that everyone can get to B&N to buy your book. I'm not helping him, I already have my book.
I'm sure your Inuit angel has blessings in disguise for you!
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