Wednesday, August 17, 2011



An airline passenger says her Paris-to-Dublin flight was delayed nearly two hours after celebrated French actor Gerard Depardieu urinated on the plane ahead of takeoff.

France's Europe-1 radio aired an interview with the passenger, identified only by her first name Daniele, saying that Depardieu appeared inebriated and announced "'I need to piss, I need to piss." The passenger said when the cabin crew told him to remain seated during takeoff, "he stood up and did it (urinated) on the ground."


Darcy is doing very well, adjusting to her new home quite quickly.  It's pretty safe to say that she ranks food from the table (I doubt she had ever had spaghetti and meatballs before tonight) right up there alongside peeing at will.  She no longer eats the dog food that she wolfed down so quickly the first few weeks she was here.  Note to self:  I saw her try to bury her dish a few nights ago under a throw rug then when that didn't work she kicked open the door and dragged the dish outside.  I think she plans on tossing it out when we're not looking

 She still falls out of bed regularly, but so do I so can't fault her for that.  She has taken to sleeping under the computer desk while I work.  I say she is guarding my foot and commend her regularly.  That foot has not left my ankle in the entire time she's lived here. 


I have a very dear friend who is about 85 years old, elegant, funny and very opinionated.   A bleeding heart, tree hugger like me.  Her name is Lee and she is just a riot.  She weighs no more than about 80 pounds, (ok, this is the only thing I truly dislike about her) and she dresses with much more style than I do, but that isn't too hard (ok so there are two things I don't like about her).  Saturday she was wearing black slacks and a black mock turtleneck with a short red denim jacket.  She had replaced the buttons with black ones.  It was a great outfit - too bad she's about a size two otherwise I would steal it from her when she wasn't looking.  She moves slowly and I can divert her when we drop her off at her condo. 

Lee also has the broadest Boston accent imaginable.  She called me Friday night.
"Kahren! Kahren!"  This is how all our conversations start out.
"Hi Lee.  How are you?"
"Oh, Kahren!  I feel awful, just awful.  My ahm is achin' me somethin' terrible.  I have a Physical Therapist comin' at two and she's just a lovely young gal.  About sixty-five I think.  Do you know her?"
"I have no idea, Lee.  What's her name?"
"Who cahrs.  Listen, you and Richie want to meet for lunch tomorrow?"
I really like Lee.  She reminds me of myself in about thirty years.  She married late in life, to a man for whom she worked (she had been a social worker).  They had no children and she loves her husband more than life.  He's in a nursing home down here.  He has Alzheimers.

"Oh Kahren!  I saw Jim today.  He was wondahful, took my hand and kissed it.  He looks really good.  The social directah today was somethin' else though.  I don't know what these women are thinkin' sometimes with the way they dress!  She was hangin' out in the front like a moose and they didn't look that good at all!  In my day they looked like cones, today I just don't know.  When she turned around Jim looked at me and rolled his eyes."  She twinkled and laughed.  "Yeah, he's still in there."



Libby said...

I guess when you need to go, you need to go.

LucyParker said...

Oh, I'm sad Mr. G did that. I like him.

I also like when you share people like Lee with us. Makes me wonder how Frank is doing. And how Sister is doing after her attack. These people have more going for them than Palin or Nugent ever will.

Lucy&Parker are giving Darcy high-fives with her people training sessions. You may all have a cookie to reinforce your good behavior.