My dearest Miss Austen,
Felicitations upon the anniversary of your birth, dearest one, and the joy of the day to you. Might one inquire as to your true age, or would such impudence provoke a sound tongue lashing? What's that? Whisper in my ear.
Oh, good heavens, you are quite advanced in years, aren't you? No need for ruffled feathers, it was just a passing comment. However, you may consider being seated for the remainder of these blogs. Oh! I shouldn't bother yourself with that horrid word, dearest. "Blogs" - vapid word that it is I believe that it will, hopefully, pass quickly from use. Pardon me, Jane? Yes that is true, you are quite correct there - in all likelihood another, even more disgusting term will arise in it's place; that's the way of the world in which we now live.
Do stop laughing at me, Jane. I realize you do not actually reside in this world in that sense, in the "above ground" sense, however, as you can see, quite a few of us love to pretend that you do.
And never say that it was I who initiated this birthday blogging business (nefarious words, all of them). No, Jane, I was contacted by a comely woman of the continent, possessing both breeding and character, a Maria Grazia by name, a lady by deportment and an aristocrat, I am certain, by birth. Far be it from me to carry tales. However. This Signora Grazia is providing details regarding your - oh, how shall I say this kindly - advanced years - to everyone, not only to the villages and pleasant towns with which you are familiar; but, she has also taken it upon herself to divulge this natal nonsense to the global community, Jane.
And never say that it was I who initiated this birthday blogging business (nefarious words, all of them). No, Jane, I was contacted by a comely woman of the continent, possessing both breeding and character, a Maria Grazia by name, a lady by deportment and an aristocrat, I am certain, by birth. Far be it from me to carry tales. However. This Signora Grazia is providing details regarding your - oh, how shall I say this kindly - advanced years - to everyone, not only to the villages and pleasant towns with which you are familiar; but, she has also taken it upon herself to divulge this natal nonsense to the global community, Jane.
One wonders what grudge she may have against you, but I digress.
My sincerest wish was only to thank you, Jane dear, for your writing, your humor and your very existence. We learned your true nature through your writings; we believe we know you through the characters you created. The bright, witty Lizzy Bennet quick to anger but ready to ask forgiveness. The brave Elinor Dashwood who appeared self sufficient, cold and indifferent to her sister's eyes but who loved deeply in silence. The well meaning but hopelessly self involved Emma Woodhouse. The steadfast Anne Elliott who lost her love through weak submission to her family only to find him again in maturity. Catherine Morland who allows her imagination to run away with her. The unexceptional Fanny Price, timid and shy, who travels her own emotional road to maturity.
And, of course, thank you for the wonderful men, Jane. Ah, the men! They have brought romance to our souls and a smile to our lips. It was through these gentlemen and ladies that we discovered the true you, Jane. They are, each in their own way, like you - gifted and flawed and terribly funny.
My sincerest wish was only to thank you, Jane dear, for your writing, your humor and your very existence. We learned your true nature through your writings; we believe we know you through the characters you created. The bright, witty Lizzy Bennet quick to anger but ready to ask forgiveness. The brave Elinor Dashwood who appeared self sufficient, cold and indifferent to her sister's eyes but who loved deeply in silence. The well meaning but hopelessly self involved Emma Woodhouse. The steadfast Anne Elliott who lost her love through weak submission to her family only to find him again in maturity. Catherine Morland who allows her imagination to run away with her. The unexceptional Fanny Price, timid and shy, who travels her own emotional road to maturity.
And, of course, thank you for the wonderful men, Jane. Ah, the men! They have brought romance to our souls and a smile to our lips. It was through these gentlemen and ladies that we discovered the true you, Jane. They are, each in their own way, like you - gifted and flawed and terribly funny.
Happy Birthday, Jane! Merry Christmas, everyone!
Karen V. Wasylowski
I endorse this - the men you have brought to our lives! beyond compare. Thank you.
Happy Birthday Jane! You have brought so much joy into my life... Thank you.
I'd love to enter the giveaways---if this is the right place to do it. *smiles*
I'm going to visit the rest of the sites presently.
My email is cassie(at)literaryladies(dot)com
Happy 235th Birthday dear Jane! Oh yes I agree with Mystica... the fabulous men Jane has brought into our lives! If I could but find one half as fine as one of her heroes I would die a happy woman! ;)
Hello Karen - just wanted to say what a lovely post!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Happy Birthday, my dear Jane!
My e-mail: isabel_ribeiro@hotmail.com
Karen, thank you for an interesting post. See you soon.
Loved the video, esp. Richard Armitage and Colin Firth. Men in regency dress are soooo attractive. Thanks for the birthday celebration and giveaways.
A lovely letter, and my sentiments exactly! Happy Birthday, Jane!
This was very amusing! My e-mail is arianne (dot)hartsell(at)gmail(dot)com
Happy Birthday Jane and yes, more Richard Armitage
I love Jane Austen! Happy Birthday!
Thanks Karen for this delightful post and for joining us! Happy Birthday, Jane. I agree, we really must thank you for all your lovely men.
And, Karen... Richard Armitage... Double thanks!
Dearest Jane, Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for instilling in me the hope I will someday find a Mr Darcy!
Oh I love this post!It sounds like a real letter from one of Jane's friends.Happy Birthday Jane!LOL
It's fantastic the idea of writing to Jane!
I've forgotten to leave my e-mail adress (sweet_mavina@hotmail.it)
Happy B- day, Jane!!
Love the post! =)
An exceedingly delightful and amusing post indeed!
What a lovely tribute to our dear Jane on this special day. I am very pleased to have found your blog through this tribute to the author. Happy Birthday, Jane and Merry Christmas too!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Oh my I loved the video. All my favorites in one.
I look forward to reading your book.
Consider me a fan, Karen! Your book will definitely be on my Valentine wish-list... since Mr Darcy and John Thornton are already spoken for. ;)
Your blog is spectacular, engaging, witty, and I can't wait to read more.
Happy Birthday, Dearest Jane! Don't listen to them, you don't look a day over forty. ;)
Happy Brithday, dear Jane!!
lovely post, Karen!
Priscila Murlik
That was fun--could you imagine really having a chat with Austen..what a minute, you did!
Yes, we admire her heroines, but we thank her for the men!
Merry Christmas to you as well, and enjoy this celebratory day!
aha, fun jane letter! gotta love the men. funny how armitage has not yet been tapped as a jane man outside the blogworld. well, the closest would be in the vicar of dibley.
Happy Birthday, Jane Austen!
Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of english literature!
Natallie Chagas
natallienazareth.ac @ bol.com.br
I wish I could a letter like you :) Beautiful. Love the clip also! Merry Xmass to you!
Happy Birthday dearest Jane! Many thanks, you are loved! :)
~Miss Laurie
Happy 235th birthday, dear Jane!!
This has been one of the most humorous of the Jane celebration blogs. I really enjoyed it! Thank you!!!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Karen, I cannot wait to read your new book.
Thank you.
I love your letter to Jane on her birthday; I'm sure she would have loved it to!
Karen, well done. I like your style. Finding Jane in her characters, especially her male ones.
All the best,
I had not yet heard of your book, and it definitely sounds interesting. Congrats on getting it published. Happy birthday Jane!
Wonderful post... and amazing video
Happy Birthday Jane!
Nice post and lovely video!
Great letter, and a fabulous approach to honoring our dear Jane. Thanks!
Ah the men! That video made my evening. It's time for a cup of tea in honor of our beloved Miss Austen.
Happy Birthday dear Jane Austen.
lovely post.
I'm sure Jane appreciates the youtube video!
Happy Birthday Jane and thank you for the blog Karen!!!
It is quite the thing!!
Melissa Muzrall
Love the video!!! We all need the men.AHHHH just love em. Happy Jane Austen day.
Happy Birthday Jane! I loved the video too!
Happy Birthday Jane!
Happy Birthday, Jane - Loved your letter to Jane and the dishy video.
Great video, Loved your post!!! Happy Birthday Jane Austen
Karen I am looking forward to the release of you book!!
Very touching tribute Karen. Happy Birthday dear Jane. Thanks for the fabulous characters and great stories.
Dear Karen...
A most moving and unique post. Yet another gift to us Janeites on this glorious day when God decided to grace the world with our Jane.
Thank you for all your hard work with all the others on this terrific tour!
Thank you for posting the video and writing a lovely letter to our Heroine! Happy Birthday, Jane!
OreAnnie at yahoo dot com
What a lovely letter and video. Happy Birthday Jane.
Thank you all for visiting my blog and commenting here. Hope you enjoyed yesterday as much as we all did! Have a wonderful holiday everyone.
Truly a brilliant post. I am smiling and laughing. Thank you! And happy bday, Jane, you who knew exactly what kind of men we wanted!
Oh yes! Thank you, Jane and thank you, Karen for this lovely gift to honor this most momentous of occasions Jane's Birthday! All of those lovely, lovely men! SIGH!
Beautifully written! I would repeat the last two paras of your letter...how very true!!!
Happy Birthday, Jane!
Love the video and agree with the sentiment.
Feliz Cumpleaños,Jane!It's great how many people love you,isn't it?You deserve it all and more. Enjoy your eternal soul, wherever you are.
Best wishes,
Happy Christmas for sure with that video clip!!
What a heartfelt in sincere tribute to our beloved authoress Jane. I am in awe of your choice of words, Karen.
Thanks for everything, JA. I really wish you could write more than 6 novels in your lifetime.
Blessed Christmas everyone!
Happy birthday Jane!
lovely post! Thanks for joining us in this big event!
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