Sunday, January 23, 2011

Downton Abbey - Episode Three

Well, we are all waiting for this evening and Downton Abbey. Even the Bears/Packer game pales in comparison. As I mentioned before I have a friend who set up Dan Stevens facebook page and contacts him frequently. He seems a very nice guy and very funny. Taking all this hooply in stride. He has gorgeous eyes too so that's a plus for him. Tonight we see how much more awkward Bates and the maid can get with each other, hopefully another man won't die inconveniently in Mary's bed (I think that's her name) and Hugh Bonneville will get more screen time. I am so old that Hugh Bonneville is cuter to me than Dan Stevens. Life is unfair and then you go on. With a cane.

For Pat...

Incredibly, this video has gotten over one million hits, most of them from Lucy I am certain. I must give her this once again because of all her kind words about Darcy and Fitzwilliam...

And this is just for me. The most beautiful man in the movies or on television (and my favorite Darcy)...

1 comment:

LucyParker said...

I'm struck by the hands of all these Darcyites. They all have very expressive hands. Or do they have "pose with your hands" classes in acting school? I dunno, but somehow I'm drawn to their hands, unless they're naked.